Metatheism is an understanding of life that is beyond being framed as current simplistic belief structures. Metatheism is a belief beyond theism which allows humanity to acknowledge our fellow beings and advance to the next stage in our belief structure to allow a more peaceful and collaborative existence for human advancement on Earth and beyond. The evolution of humanity has progressed through polytheism (the belief in many deities controlling or guiding our fates) to monotheism (the belief in a single deity controlling or guiding our fate) to the current hybrid of multi-theism (a world existing with multiple non-complementary and oppositional beliefs). Metatheism looks to transcend the limited vision of humanity’s current multi-theistic belief structure and bring a greater understanding and respect for all people’s beliefs.
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Meta- means beyond and in the context of Metatheism is connotative of beyond theism. This understanding has been sometimes referred to as Posttheism or Transtheism.
Humans attempt to put each other or themselves in a labeled box of beliefs to make it easy to classify each other or ourselves and organize our social map around these classifications. Metatheistic doctrine simply allows for the infinite possibilities of beliefs that exist and encourages the respectful and peaceful acceptance of different perspectives in a diverse world which we need to exist in collaboratively.